TGIF: The Power and Richness of Entrecard
Tech Guide It's Friday! That's the title for our special Friday post and it focuses on tech advises and guide from yours truly. As the first ever TGIF on this blog, I would like to talk about the richness of a community which offers abundant resources, friendship and ideas and that is the ENTRECARD community. Are you already a member? If not then here are some reasons why you should join...
1. Entrecard enhances Alexa Ranking. The most visible effect of EC dropping which is the main feature of the community is the visible increase in your Alexa Ranking. Take for example one of my websites, from a rank of 2,000,000+ with just one week of EC dropping it rose to 300,000. Imagine how many blogs will visit and drop back at you when you drop at least 200 to 300 drops per day. Is it tedious? Nope. As long as you know how to skim read and press CTRL + right click then you can manage.
2. Meet Lots of Helpful Friends. The EC community has bloggers which are very friendly and I am not joking or overly exaggerating that fact. You can find willing bloggers to help you out on how to make your blogs better or even on some technical issues.
3. Let Your Blog Be Known. The EC dropping + advertising helps your blog get known. When you drop a card they see your blog and visit it. Although some do drop hopping some still do read a blog when it suits their interest. Besides that your advertisement on an EC members blogs let's your blog known to the visitors of that blog as well.
4. A Chance to Earn. Entrecard Credits of EC can be sold for money. Some sell 1,000EC for $3 to $5 and it is not that hard to get hold of thousand of ECs as long as you are serious about this.
Entrecard is really one of the fastest growing communities in the blogosphere and is highly recommended for every blogger.
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| Pagod Ka Na Bang Maging si Juan? | Ordinary People, Ordinary Day |

1. Entrecard enhances Alexa Ranking. The most visible effect of EC dropping which is the main feature of the community is the visible increase in your Alexa Ranking. Take for example one of my websites, from a rank of 2,000,000+ with just one week of EC dropping it rose to 300,000. Imagine how many blogs will visit and drop back at you when you drop at least 200 to 300 drops per day. Is it tedious? Nope. As long as you know how to skim read and press CTRL + right click then you can manage.
2. Meet Lots of Helpful Friends. The EC community has bloggers which are very friendly and I am not joking or overly exaggerating that fact. You can find willing bloggers to help you out on how to make your blogs better or even on some technical issues.
3. Let Your Blog Be Known. The EC dropping + advertising helps your blog get known. When you drop a card they see your blog and visit it. Although some do drop hopping some still do read a blog when it suits their interest. Besides that your advertisement on an EC members blogs let's your blog known to the visitors of that blog as well.
4. A Chance to Earn. Entrecard Credits of EC can be sold for money. Some sell 1,000EC for $3 to $5 and it is not that hard to get hold of thousand of ECs as long as you are serious about this.
Entrecard is really one of the fastest growing communities in the blogosphere and is highly recommended for every blogger.
| Pagod Ka Na Bang Maging si Juan? | Ordinary People, Ordinary Day |