TGIF: Blogger vs Wordpress, the Face Off

I have been a user of Blogger for about a year now and I will say that I am quite satisfied with its performance and the flexibility to which I can design my blog and make the post. I had also attended WordCamp 2008 in Manila in a hope to understand more about WordPress and also tried both and versions. In a short span of time I am posting my opinion about the two blogging platforms and here they are...
WordPress has two options if you want to use it as your blogging platform. First, you have which is very much like Blogger in the sense that it is free and you can start your blog with relative ease. It also has a selection of very good templates which you can choose from and start writing from them. The downside well you can't install plugins and you are limited to just very few options in designing your blog. You are not even allowed to edit the code of the blog.
The second option is downloading WordPress installer via If you choose this you need to have a hosting account and a domain or subdomain to run your own WordPress. Installation is easy and getting your template up as well as customization of your blog is also not that hard. You can install plugins and beautify your blog with them or add tools to improve your blogging experience.
The general downside of WordPress is in its default editor. I am having a hard time justifying text or entering custom code in it. If you want to just paste an html code in a sidebar most often I encounter disappearing default appearance and images in my template.
Blogger provides you with an easy registration to a free account through and if you already have a domain you can just click on settings and enter your custom domain. Blogger allows installation of widget from the simple html or javascript code in their sidebars up to some tweaking of the html code in your template. It makes you more in control of your blog look and layout without the need to be a know-all in html coding. The downside of blogger though is in changing themes because once you change you change your theme your widgets is affected as well as any customization that you have made.
Another positive thing about Blogger is that is is owned by Google and even if Google denies it this blog platform has an advantage when it comes to PR ratings and search engine recognition from Google compared to other platforms.
My Recommendation
If you are a blogger who just want to start blogging and avoid the technie side of stuff then I recommend but if you are that type who are more serious about things and want higher customization and control then is for you.
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