Mental Floss revealed that
Sean Connery, the former James Bond actor was the original pick for Lord of the Ring's Galdalf. New Line Cinema offered Connery 15% of worldwide box office receipts. Connery turned down the offer saying he could not understand the script. Later on the movie earn worldwide acclaim and box office. If indeed Connery accepted the deal, he would have earned more than any actor had ever been paid for a single role—as much as $400 million.
The role of Gandalf was then given to Sir Ian McKellen. At the time he was cast, McKellen had never read any of Tolkien's works, but he quickly developed his knowledge of The Lord of the Rings and made his performance as close to the original source as possible. For his
performance in The Fellowship of the Ring, McKellen won a Saturn Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Supporting Actor and was also nominated for an Academy Award of the same category, making him the only individual cast member to be nominated. He has received virtually universal acclaim for his performance throughout all of the films. On his personal web site[23], McKellen has said he would be delighted to reprise the role in The Hobbit and its sequel, should Peter Jackson be involved, which he is, as the executive producer.
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