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Senaor Al Franken, An Ideal Senator?

Since his swearing in into office the Democrat Senator from Minnesota, Al Franken had been very busy. His first five weeks were very busy and in fact in just 3 weeks he had passed his first bill, the Service Dogs for Veterans Act, a bill that aims to unite service dogs with wounded veterans. Sen. Franken is also part of the Justice Committee which cnfirms the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor as the new Supreme Court Justice.

Just few weeks ago, his 4th week that is, Franken moved to Capitol Hill and took the job closer to where Congress is.

Observers say Franken goes to work from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and hardly leaves the office. he usually takes his meals inside the office as well with occasional dine ins.

It seems Sen. Franken is really into the job and wanted to make for lost time when he waited for the result of the final decision on the winner in his states senate election.

The Minnesota Supreme Court worked at length to determine whether he or Republican incumbent Norm Coleman had received more votes, and after Coleman contested the election, the limbo dragged on. Franken spent the time reading up on his colleagues, cooking with Franni, his wife of more than 30 years, reading multiple books at a time and devising his first idea for a bill: the Service Dogs for Veterans Act.

So what's next for the former Saturday Night Live Star? well, let us wait and see...
Week One: Swearing in, moving in and making appearances.

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