Movie: Minute Zero Needs 120 Global Citizens
COP 15 is happening in December and it might be our last hope to avert a worst case scenario on Climate Change. In order to mobilize people and campaign for a positive outcome of COP 15 a project entitled, "Movie: Minute Zero" was launched. It came up from two Active Youths just like each one of you. The aim project is to create a reference point, like an inventory of the real state of evolution of our civilization.
To realize this, they are inviting 120 world citizens to be involved in the project (preferable whether they are from capitals cities), each one of the participants should perform a 1 minute (max.) film on the December 15th 2009 (taking advantage of COP meeting in Copenhagen) about "that it hurts your city".
If the above paragraphs have call your attention and you want to know more, we invite you to send them an email at with your info (name, occupation, etc.), where do you live, how long and how you want to participate.
Be involve and make our planet better. Remember the Earth will survive but we may not!
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| Pagod Ka Na Bang Maging si Juan? | Ordinary People, Ordinary Day |

To realize this, they are inviting 120 world citizens to be involved in the project (preferable whether they are from capitals cities), each one of the participants should perform a 1 minute (max.) film on the December 15th 2009 (taking advantage of COP meeting in Copenhagen) about "that it hurts your city".
If the above paragraphs have call your attention and you want to know more, we invite you to send them an email at with your info (name, occupation, etc.), where do you live, how long and how you want to participate.
Be involve and make our planet better. Remember the Earth will survive but we may not!
| Pagod Ka Na Bang Maging si Juan? | Ordinary People, Ordinary Day |