United States Health care Bill Advances
The historic legislation and primary mark of President Barrack Obama's presidential campaign advances in the United States senate as senators voted 60-39 in favor of the Health Care Reform Bill. This will open the bill to full debates on the floor.
Many are raising concerns over the impact of the bill on increasing taxes for Americans while proponents and those supporting the bill is both invoking on the legacy of the late Senator Edward F. Kennedy and the right of Americans to health care.
The health care reform effectively increases the coverage to 94% of Americans. It will be a major legislation since the Medicare bill years back.
For all the drama, the result of the Saturday night showdown had been sealed a few hours earlier, when two final Democratic holdouts, Sens. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, announced they would join in clearing the way for a full debate.
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Many are raising concerns over the impact of the bill on increasing taxes for Americans while proponents and those supporting the bill is both invoking on the legacy of the late Senator Edward F. Kennedy and the right of Americans to health care.
The health care reform effectively increases the coverage to 94% of Americans. It will be a major legislation since the Medicare bill years back.
For all the drama, the result of the Saturday night showdown had been sealed a few hours earlier, when two final Democratic holdouts, Sens. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, announced they would join in clearing the way for a full debate.
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| Pagod Ka Na Bang Maging si Juan? | Ordinary People, Ordinary Day |