Alaska Elections 2010 Results and Other US Primaries

UNITED STATES: Several US States have conducted their primary and some have surprising results while others have the usual predictable results. In the Alaska Elections 2010 results, neophyte Joe Miller defeated incumbent senator Lisa Murkowski for the Republican primaries.

Joe Miller is backed by the Tea Party Express and former Alaska Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin and her husband Todd. Joe Miller got 50.90% of the votes or 47,027 against Lisa Murkowski with 49.10% or 45,359.

In the Democratic primary in the Alaska Elections 2010, Democrat Soctt t. McAdams clinched the nomination. However McAdams is expected to have a tough fight against Miller since Alaska is seen as a Republican state.

Elsewhere, in Arizona Sen. John McCain easily clinched the Republican nomination once again. He is on his way for re-election in November. McCain spent about $20 million in his re-election primary bid.

In Florida, Rick Scott toppled veteran Republican Bill McCollum, the state's attorney general who had the support of national party chiefs. Scott used his financial might and criticism of McCollum's policies.

Scott's financial might and criticism of his opponent as a typical tax-raising politician proved too much for McCollum, a former congressman, in the bitter GOP gubernatorial race. Scott spent $39 million in blanketing the state with TV ads that resonated with GOP voters. He was seen as a "conservative outsider" who could run state government like an efficient business and reduce taxes. He overcame accusations that he was in charge when his former hospital conglomerate paid $1.7 billion to settle federal Medicare fraud charges.

In other primary races, Rep. Kendrick Meek clinched the Democrat Senate nomination in Florida, as well as other incumbent Republican and Democratic members of Congress withstood primary challenges.

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