Manila Bus Hostage Taking now has an Online Flash Game

Manila Bus Hostage Taking now has an Online Flash Game - The hostage crisis in Manila at Quirino Grandstand which ended in tragedy on Monday, August 22 was not enough to capture the insensitivity of an online flash game maker. The said flash game maker created an online game entitled "Bus Hostage by Policeman".

In the game you are to shoot the policeman hostage taker and achieve as many shots as possible during the given period of time. The instruction says, "Seeking to arm-twist authorities into reinstating him back, a dismissed policeman has taken a bus with 25 passengers hostage here. Can you stop him and blow his brain?"

It seems the person who made this game had nothing to care about what happened and the sad story of the event. The reviewers of the game was not happy about his submission and even reacted negatively.

"This one doesn't have to be here. It's simply just crap. Innocent people were killed and you are making fun of this?  It's a shame for NG, that this became frontpaged!" says richieguitar.

Here is a link to the said flash game, "Bus Hostage by Policeman"

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