Popular Shampoos Found to Contain Toxic Chemicals
Popular Shampoos Found to Contain Toxic Chemicals - Popular shampoo brands and health care brands like Pantene, Head and Shoulders, Suave and Clairol were all found to contain ingredients called methylisothiazoline, or MIT, which causes neurological damage.
The finding was made by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. They are concerned that exposure to this chemical by pregnant women could put their fetus at risk for abnormal brain development.
Moreover, in other people, exposure could also be a factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease and other nervous system disorders.
The chemical methylisothiazoline or MIT prevents communication between neurons. By preventing neuron communications it slows down the networking of neurons hence will eventually suppress and impair the normal function of the brain and nervous system.
For more details of this findings visit Natural News.
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The finding was made by researchers at the National Institutes of Health. They are concerned that exposure to this chemical by pregnant women could put their fetus at risk for abnormal brain development.
Moreover, in other people, exposure could also be a factor in the development of Alzheimer's disease and other nervous system disorders.
The chemical methylisothiazoline or MIT prevents communication between neurons. By preventing neuron communications it slows down the networking of neurons hence will eventually suppress and impair the normal function of the brain and nervous system.
For more details of this findings visit Natural News.
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