Upload limit increases to 15 minutes for YouTube
YouTube is expanding your time to be popular as the no.1 video sharing site decided to increased its upload limit from 10 min to 15 minutes for non-partners. Users can now upload more minutes of personal videos ad collections.
If you think more minutes means you can upload more longer copyrighted material, think again. YouTube elevates its copyright security and they created a Content ID system for copyright owners which will give them more option and control to their content.
The new system will detect more copyrighted material. More minutes also means longer promotion for companies for their product, shows and many more...

If you think more minutes means you can upload more longer copyrighted material, think again. YouTube elevates its copyright security and they created a Content ID system for copyright owners which will give them more option and control to their content.
The new system will detect more copyrighted material. More minutes also means longer promotion for companies for their product, shows and many more...