Wright County Egg Recall List Affects 380 Million Eggs

The egg recall list had been expanded from 228 million and include brands such as Albertson, Boomsma’s, Dutch Farms, Farm Fresh, Hillandale, Kemps, Lucerne, Lund, Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, Shoreland, Sunshine, and Trafficanda.
Eggs in the recall list are those with Julian dates ranging from 136 to 225 and plant numbers 1026, 1413 and 1946. The dates and codes of these eggs can be found stamped on the end of the egg carton. The plant number begins with the letter P and then the number. The Julian date follows the plant number, for example: P-1946 223.
Wright County Eggs, one of the largest egg producers in the United States is based in Galt, Iowa and produces 2.3 million dozen eggs a week. The recalled eggs according to spokeswoman Hinda Mitchell constitutes to almost 32 million dozen.
For those who want to know more about the latest egg recall and update on the egg recall list please visit www.eggsafety.org.