PNGOC calls for the immediate passage of the RH Bill

Contact Person: Eden R. Divinagracia (09177916103)

The Philippine NGO Council on Population, Health and Welfare Inc. an umbrella organization of 97 NGOs working all over the country proudly supports HOUSE BILL 96 entitled “THE REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH AND POPULATION DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 2010.”

Dr. Eden Divinagracia, Executive Director of PNGOC, said, “We are calling on all congresspersons to pass the reproductive health care (RH) bill into law in this present Congress and not later. She said senators and congresspersons should show their full support to the RH bill to manifestly express their political will.”

One of the root causes of our country's depressing state is our uncontained population growth. The total population of the Philippines this year is estimated at 94,013,200 million according to the National Statistics Office, which is already an alarming number given the Philippines' current economic situation. Our country's rapid population growth only aggravates the debt menace, hampers the delivery of basic health care services, depletes further our scarce resources, and derails sustainable human development.

Having a good and sound Reproductive Health Care Act is a way for the Philippine Government to help its constituents in providing them complete, accurate and relevant information on Reproductive Health, it will also provide opportunity for young people to develop and understand their values, attitudes and beliefs about sexuality, it will also able to help the young people develop relationships and harness their interpersonal skills and it will help the youth exercise their responsibility regarding sexual relationships, intercourse and the use of contraception and other sexual health measures.

PNGOC believes that a good and sound reproductive health education does not only instil consciousness of freedom of choice but responsible exercise of one’s rights. According to UNFPA: “It has been repeatedly shown that reproductive health education leads to responsible behaviour, higher levels of abstinence, later initiation of sexuality, higher use of contraception, and fewer sexual partners. These good effects are even greater when parents can talk honestly with their children about sexual and reproductive matters”.

Philippine NGO Council will continue to promote to all its networks of NGOs, partner organizations and communities nationwide to support for a Reproductive Health Care Act as we believe that this legislated policy will provide stability of programs, regardless of who sits as president, Cabinet or Local Government official.

Pass the reproductive health bill NOW!