Included in the list is the “consumption and distribution of chocolatey products.” The CBCP explains, “Chocolate is a natural aphrodisiac. It encourages promiscuity, which leads to abortions! … Chocolate is cancerous!”
Also on mentioned is the “wearing of inappropriate attire, such as bikinis, mini skirts, and any clothing that exposes a woman’s head.” This is based on the Bible’s 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, which states that if a woman fails to keep her head covered, she should be shaved bald.
Fr. Melvin Castro, Executive Director of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Family and Life, said at a press conference, “The list clarifies the Church’s position as savior of the Filipino race.”
He said, “As God-appointed leaders, we consider it our duty to tell people how evil they are, and how they can avoid the fires of hell just by doing what we tell them to do.”